
The Brief

The interface is a portal, with a chat AI assistant, to help build user flows easily.


Noa Timor David



The goal as defined by my client

“As a user, I want to be able to build, manage and optimize my forms. I want to do that by a drag & drop interface or by using a chat assistant”

The challenge

The users are having trouble gathering the information they need because the user experience is difficult and not user-friendly. This is leading to a decrease in earnings

The solution

I made the user experience better by designing an interface that’s comfortable and simple to use. I also added a chat feature that’s available throughout the entire process of filling out the form, providing immediate assistance.

Additionally, I designed the interface with a dark mode to make it more comfortable for users. I included visuals that give a sense of innovation while keeping the design clean and youthful

High level flows

The system before the renewal

Preparing the base

And early wireframes

The design

An innovative color system and a fascinating and experiential design style for developers

Color Palette

System screens

Different ways to create a wizard

mouseover actives
animation that
focuses the user

Repetition and
assimilation of
the form data

The wizard view and copy code for development

Chat assistant AI

Thank you for watching!

See You